I wanted to write with a brief update of our capacity. This cycle has been unlike any other for us regarding consulting inquiries, both from prospective students and from law schools. We have seen more interest, by a good margin, than any previous year.
For prospective law students applying this cycle, i.e. 2018/2019, we are currently on a waitlist of about 60 people. We have been interviewing a number of former admissions officers who have application and admissions experience so that we can take all 60 people in the very near future and keep taking more clients for the eniteity of that cycle. That said, we are incredibly and exhaustively selective in who we hire. We only hire people with extensive experience, who also in that time have earned reputations as the very best in admissions. So while we think a hire, or possibly more hires are on the way — we are not rushing things just to take on more clients. My best guess is we will have a new and experienced consultant within the next two weeks, but again we are still being very methodical and mindful in this regard. Once we do, we will update over twitter @spiveyconsult.
In the meantime, we will still offer as much free advice as possible on this blog, on lawschool.life, and on reddit. If you are curious about whether you need admissions consulting help or not, we also have a dedicated page to things you may want to consider here.