
06 May 2018

"Hey Spivey, you look badass today"

"The only guarantees in this life are death, taxes, and email blunders" is how the expression should be updated. We pretty much all have made said blunders and will almost be guaranteed to make them again. This happens to hundreds, if not thousands of applicants in the admissions process each year at some level, ranging from disastrous to laughable. How bad can the mistakes be? Epically bad of course — you have likely heard some from friends or online. But those aren't mine to tell. So instead,

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20 Apr 2018

Don't Make This Common Wait List Mistake

Dear Dartmouth Law Office of Admissons: My friend, Ramsay Bolton, just withdrew as an admitted student and will be matriculating to another law school. I realize this opens up a place at Dartmouth Law, and believe I would be a great fit for your incoming class. DLS has always been my top choice and, if admitted for this spot, I would immediatly deposit. Most Sincerely, Theon Greyjoy A couple of things. 1. Just about every [actually exisiting] law school will get a letter like this, and

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23 Mar 2018

SCG Consultants' Favorite Helpful Quotes for the Law School Admissions Process

Other than waiting for LSAT scores, this time of year can be one of the most frustrating and stressful points in the law school admissions cycle. Many (many) law school applicants are still waiting for decisions, and there are loads of students on waitlists throughout the country. Whether you get your inspiration from a quote written in chalk on the road during your morning hike like Shannon, have quotes pinned to your bulletin board like Nikki and Danielle, or find your motivation in other way

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21 Mar 2018

The Single Biggest Administrative Mistake Law Schools Are Making

Much has been said about the training of law students. Indeed, while it may seem like a recent discussion, this discussion on how best to prepare law students for their legal careers appears in the very first of law review articles. Should they be deeply immersed in theoretical underpinning of the law (a conscious decision made by the early law schools), enrolled in experiential apprenticeship type training (buzz words we often see today), or a combination of the two? If a combination, how shoul

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10 Mar 2018

There are no "shoulds"

By Anne Dutia, Senior Consultant at The Spivey Consulting Group When I was a prelaw advisor, and before that an admissions officer at Michigan Law School, I encountered so many students asking me what they should do to get into law school. Of course, there are certain procedures and processes applicants have to follow to be admitted to law school, but these students were looking for the right way to be a pre-law student or applicant. A lot of them were still stuck in the college application men

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13 Feb 2018

It's a tough cycle. Here's what you can do about it.

1. Do not obsesses over any one school. This cycle, probably more than any other, I have heard "I want X Law School by far — there isn't really any other school that's close." Often when I follow-up with a simple "why is that?" there isn't really a concrete answer. "For whatever reason when I think about UVa I just can't get it out of my mind," or something along those lines. We (Spivey Consulting) have already seen applicants denied by T14's and yet admitted by T3's. Point being, there are so

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12 Feb 2018

Law School Forums

Just a bit of a repeat of our last message, that the last six years we have been fortunate to receive and publish exclusive data for law school applicants. You can find us generally linking data like the below at two forums: LawSchool.Life [] and the Law School Admissions Subreddit []. But as we may not always be able to be as prompt on boards, you can also always get immediate data and rankings releases at our Twitter [http

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08 Feb 2018
02 Feb 2018

Where to find us posting [free] message board advice online

It's a tough cycle, so we are going to try to double down on giving out some advice when we have extra time and hope that it helps. Also note we will break all data, rankings, etc. first at Come find us so we can help. 1: 2:

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26 Dec 2017

Law School Admissions Advice: "Is it too late?"

The easiest answer to this question is "almost never" — but obviously there are some qualifications. So let me start with a real life story and then the qualifications. A few cycle ago I got a call from someone who had taken the June LSAT and just received his score, in the upper 170s. He also had a strong LSAC computed GPA and was asking me if I thought he could get into Harvard next cycle (keeping in mind it was like roughly July 1 and Harvard clearly said on their website the application dea

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