E/P Essays

30 Aug 2024

Examples of Successful Experience/Perspective Essays (Formerly "Diversity Statements")

If you’re wondering what successful E/P essays look like, here are a number of examples, all of which are real essays (with minor anonymizing redactions) from applicants who had highly successful admissions outcomes.

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27 Aug 2024

Podcast: Experience/Perspective Essay (Diversity Statement) Deep Dive with Former Law School Admissions Officers

In this episode of Status Check with Spivey, we discuss the relatively new category of law school admissions essays that we're calling "experience/perspective essays" or "E/P essays," many of which are variations on the essays previously known as "diversity statements."

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13 Jun 2024

New Law School Diversity Statements ("Life Experience/Perspective Essays"): FAQ

We have received many questions about law schools' new life experience/perspective essays (formerly categorized as diversity statements). Here are our answers to the most common ones.

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