Start with the End in Mind: Preparing for 1L Exams from Day One
So much of your success in 1L is tethered to your performance on the final exam. It makes good sense to focus on those exams as early as possible. Here are our best tips.
Read full postSo much of your success in 1L is tethered to your performance on the final exam. It makes good sense to focus on those exams as early as possible. Here are our best tips.
Read full postIn this episode of Status Check with Spivey, Mike interviews How I Lawyer podcast host Jonah Perlin on some of the many differences between college and law school, from cold calls to being graded on a curve to the nature of attending a professional school and more.
Read full postIn this episode of Status Check with Spivey, SCG Pre-L Consultant and Fordham Law professor Jordana Confino has a conversation with legal writing coach and Dear 1L author Amanda Haverstick about legal writing and tackling your 1L year.
Read full postA year ago, our Pre-L advisors Rob Cacace and Jordana Confino wrote a blog for us on their best tips for 1L success. After another busy cycle of Pre-L advising and 1L Success Coaching, they've reflected on the last year and have one more piece of advice to add!
Read full postSo you’ve applied—now what? Want to hit the ground running once you finally get to law school? Check out our Pre-L program, which just opened its registration for the 2024 cycle.
Read full postCongrats to those of you launching your law school careers this month! As you navigate orientation and the heady first few days of classes, we thought it’d be a good time to share some advice—and an opportunity—from our Pre-L/1L Success team.
Read full postWe get asked a lot for advice on how to get ready for law school, so we’ve asked the Pre-L coaches on our team to share a few habits and mindsets to adopt to succeed as a 1L.
Read full postTo help get a jumpstart on what law school actually entails and on 1L preparation, we are launching our seventh year of Pre-L packages for applicants starting next Fall.
Read full postBy Nikki Laubenstein, Senior Consultant at the Spivey Consulting Group Whether you’ve determined which law school you’ll be attending in the fall or are still finalizing that decision, it’s likely that you are feeling a bit anxious, overwhelmed, or unsure of what to expect once orientation and classes begin in August. You’ve focused a lot of your time and energy up until now on honing your logic, analytical reasoning, and writing skills, so now let’s talk about a few other skills that will help
Read full postA few Spivey Consulting announcements regarding our programs. Admissions Consulting For law school admissions [], we have been taking on more clients, earlier, than any previous cycle and at least two of our consultants are nearly maxed out. Because of this, we have made two exciting moves. Jenn Kopolow, who was with us part time, has joined Spivey Consulting full time. Jenn has experience as both a legal writing professor and admissions d
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