
14 Aug 2013

How about applying early(er) in the cycle. Did it ever help? Does it help now?

Again, from the website and work of Daniel Planview aka elterrible78 on top-law-schools.com @http://admissionsbythenumbers.blogspot.com/ . All of the same disclaimers apply to my most recent blog, (As in the last blog I have edited down a small amount of his posts)  and I will provide a separate post interpreting this and projecting forward by 8/15/2013. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First, a little explanation.  In organizing the data, I bro

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01 Aug 2013

Admissions deadlines for 2013/14 by law school rank (T-100)

*Subject to change by school. A small number of these were “best guesses” from the admissions offices of the respective schools. Yale15-MarHarvard1-FebStanford1-FebColumbia15-FebChicago1-FebNYU15-FebPenn1-Mar UVA1-MarBerkeley1-FebMichigan Ann Arbor31-MarDuke15-FebNorthwestern1-MarCornell 1-FebGeorgetown1-MarUT Austin1-MarVanderbilt1-AprUCLA1-FebUSC Gould1-Feb Minnesota Twin Cities1-AprWashington University STL1-AprGeorge Washington1-Mar Alabama(rolling)Emory1-MarNotre Dame15-MarIndiana Blooming

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16 Apr 2013

Mistake #4: The Waiting is the Hardest Part

See previous – Mistake #5: "Oxymoronic" LSAT Advice [https://spiveyconsulting.ghost.io/mistake-5-oxymoronic-lsat-advice/] Update 3/27/2020 There is nothing more difficult in the admissions process than being wait-listed. For 175+ years as a company we have seen students in law school admissions who have been admitted, wait-listed and denied, and they nearly universally express that the denial was easier than languishing on a wait-list for a drawn-out period. The irony is that just about every

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